Articles about ‘Learning’

Verrocchio, Leonardo, and the Art of Effective Feedback to Residents

Midyear reviews of residents are under way. I cherish these gatherings. We review evaluations, in-training exam scores, consider career goals, and design individual learning plans. We ponder the big picture. Where is the resident going? How are things? This season, I found myself questioning the effectiveness of the [...]

By Benjamin Doolittle, MD|2018-04-12T11:15:43-04:00April 12th, 2018|Learning, Residency|3 Comments


As technology rapidly develops, the industries and disciplines that make use of it — including medical education — evolve as well. Microlearning techniques are an exciting opportunity to combine grounded learning principles with new educational technologies. The term “microlearning” is actually a reference to its main strategy, which [...]

By NEJM Knowledge+ Team|2023-08-31T18:09:10-04:00March 15th, 2018|Learning|4 Comments

Bloom’s Taxonomy — From Knowledge to Practice

Identify. Recognize. Interpret. Distinguish. What do these words have in common? They are all “Bloom’s verbs” — the foundational building blocks of learning objectives, according to one of the most widely used pedagogic models, Bloom’s taxonomy. Bloom’s taxonomy is the backbone of most CME and residency programs’ lesson [...]

By Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Editorial Systems Manager, NEJM Group Education|2018-01-11T09:00:31-05:00January 11th, 2018|Learning, NEJM Knowledge+|2 Comments

Design Thinking in Health Care: Ear Wax, Hemolysis, and Other Opportunities

What do cerumen impaction, hemolysis, sternal dehiscence, and glomerular biopsies have in common? The opportunity to innovate. As I’ve plodded through entering data into my hospital’s electronic medical records (EMR) system, I’ve wondered: What would happen if a savvy physician were writing the code?  When I am putting [...]

By Benjamin Doolittle, MD|2017-10-19T09:00:23-04:00October 19th, 2017|Learning|6 Comments

Six Benefits of Adaptive Learning Technology for Medical Professionals

Adaptive learning  technology — the application of computer science and cognitive research to deliver a personalized, online, tutor-like teaching experience at scale — is growing in popularity for all levels of education. NEJM Knowledge+ brings the benefits of adaptive learning to medicine. In medical training (residency programs) and in [...]

By Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Editorial Systems Manager, NEJM Group Education|2017-08-10T09:00:04-04:00August 10th, 2017|Learning|3 Comments

NEJM Knowledge+ Content Updates

At NEJM Knowledge+, we're committed to keeping our content current and aligned with the standard of care in medicine. We routinely review our question bank in light of new guidelines, and any edits we make as a result are quickly incorporated into your learning experience. We also update [...]

By Catherine Ryan, Managing Editor, NEJM Knowledge+|2020-09-17T16:48:34-04:00August 2nd, 2017|Learning, NEJM Knowledge+|2 Comments
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