NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review helps you earn ABIM MOC points, but maintaining certification is about more than the recertification exam, it’s also about learning and demonstrating proficiency.
Our solution makes board review and continuous learning more efficient, effective, and engaging. Better yet, it offers you the opportunity to earn ABIM MOC points and CME credits. Here’s how it works:
- ABIM MOC points: Questions in our question bank have been approved for self-assessment points by the American Board of Internal Medicine. You’ll encounter them as you answer questions by subspecialty and in Practice Sets. You will receive points for questions you answer correctly. Your points will be automatically submitted to the ABIM on your behalf; please allow 24-48 hours for your points to display on the ABIM website.
- CME credits: Physicians can earn CME credits for participating in NEJM Knowledge+ Internal Medicine Board Review. As you progress through the question bank, you earn CME credits for questions you answer correctly. We provide a report that you can use to maintain your CME records.
Your accumulated ABIM MOC points and CME credits are continuously tracked and displayed as you learn and earn with Internal Medicine Board Review.
Take advantage of our special offer and start earning points today.
Read the CME Disclosures & Objectives.