Articles about ‘Learning’

Open-Book vs. Closed-Book Exams

If you are a physician who has been in practice for over 20 years, you know from personal experience that medical knowledge has increased tremendously in recent times. More-experienced physicians have absorbed this knowledge organically — as new techniques, drugs, and test are developed, they are adopted by [...]

By Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Editorial Systems Manager, NEJM Group Education|2015-06-25T09:00:21-04:00June 25th, 2015|Learning|9 Comments

ABIM Announces New Blueprint and Score Report for Recertification Exam

One of the criticisms that has been leveled against the ABIM recertification exam is that some of the topics covered aren't relevant to the practice of general internal medicine. In February 2015, ABIM announced that they would be making adjustments before the fall exam; since then, they have [...]

By Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Editorial Systems Manager, NEJM Group Education|2023-09-13T14:58:36-04:00June 18th, 2015|Learning|2 Comments

Test Anxiety: Why the Struggle to Remember Is Worth It

When you struggle to recall what you have learned for a test, the struggle itself reinforces what you know. The test anxiety you may feel while actively trying to recall what you have learned may cause you to be less confident about how you would perform on a [...]

By Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Editorial Systems Manager, NEJM Group Education|2015-06-11T13:51:13-04:00June 11th, 2015|Learning|2 Comments

Learning and Memory

An interview with psychologist Nate Kornell At the end of a test, the one thing you can say for sure is what you know and what you don’t know — even if you disagree with the test-makers on what was on the test. You might also find out [...]

By Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Editorial Systems Manager, NEJM Group Education|2023-09-13T14:28:06-04:00May 28th, 2015|Learning|4 Comments

Challenge Us

“Challenge Us” is what I like to think of as a super-feature of the NEJM Knowledge+ platform. In other blog posts on this site, we’ve explored how our adaptive learning system acts as a master teacher and allows people to understand the gaps in their knowledge and fill [...]

By Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Editorial Systems Manager, NEJM Group Education|2020-11-19T10:27:58-05:00April 9th, 2015|Learning, NEJM Knowledge+|Comments Off on Challenge Us

Keeping Up with Core Medical Knowledge

Continuing to learn while I stay on top of my responsibilities, both as a doctor and as a working parent with three boys, is a challenge. But I’m not a special case. Every busy, conscientious clinician has a thousand things to do each day. Keeping up with the [...]

By Josette Akresh-Gonzales, Editorial Systems Manager, NEJM Group Education|2024-04-29T16:35:06-04:00March 19th, 2015|Learning, NEJM Knowledge+|4 Comments
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